Sunday, December 20, 2009

Certification, is it important to you?

When you have a plumber come out to you homes you would like them to have gone to school and be certified to work on your pipes, toilets, etc. The same with getting your taxes done, investing money, or having a tech work on your computer network. Wouldn't you always want the best educated, most skilled, and certified person for the job? I ask this because I have my certification as a floral designer and I am continuing on to test again for my AIFD. AIFD stands for American Institute of Floral Design, and only the top designers in the world have this title after their names. My question to you is; does it matter to you if I have gone to school, have my certification, or AIFD? Do you want the best in the industry or are the "Basement Bettys" (the designers who work out of their homes, and do not have their certification) on the same level to you? Is price the most important? I would love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what you would like to see in a designer, and what is the most important to you. Thanks, Lesa Killian CFD

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